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Vulnerability and Validation
Oof. I listened to half of this week's episode on my way to work. When Sarah talks about how she responded to her daughter's mess so calmly, I lost it. So. It seems I have some exploring to do there 🤔. But also, I feel like what the hosts are doing in being so open, helps give listeners validation that we aren't alone, or crazy. Sometimes it's hard to be vulnerable with people you know, and hearing it from an outside party can make it easier to be brave and talk about this stuff. So anyways. Thank you to the hosts for being so open and sharing. It has an impact on your listeners 🧡

The podcast I didn’t know I needed!
I’m not a fashion girlie and I’m not a mom with a toddler or young kids (I do have a college aged stepson and no child of my own) so I wasn’t sure this podcast would be my thing, but after the first several episodes I’m hooked! It’s not what I was expecting at all! Crushes of the Week are the best kickoff to an array of different topics these women have chosen and they’re doing such a wonderful job. As Jessica says: “I’M HERE FOR IT!!”