Dec. 11, 2023

Courtney Spier, LMT & Friendship Breakup Article

Courtney Spier, LMT & Friendship Breakup Article

Courtney Spier - Founder, LMT

Short Bio:


Originally from a small town in New Jersey, I recall mother-daughter spa days with my mom. As a young female, I didn't know it yet, but I could feel the changes in my anxious body after leaving a massage. After four years of teaching middle schoolers in my first career, and teaching yoga classes on the side, I decided to go to school to become a massage therapist. I started to understand the connection between my physical body and my mental and emotional state and the impact bodywork had on rebalancing it all. This inspired me to want to provide this healing outlet for others.

In 2020, after the pandemic, I became passionate about how the Lymphatic System plays a role in our overall health and immunity and have made it my mission to learn as much as I can about healing the body through inflammation-reducing methods, gut health, and other holistic approaches to minimize stress and aging in the body. The Lymphatic System is a miraculous part of our body; it helps clear out dead cells, toxins, and keep us feeling our best. One reason I love what I do for work so much is the domino effect of this work - I believe it can be life-changing for people and help them do better out in the world as a result of feeling better.



Follow this link to book your session with Courtney!




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